Monday, 2 July 2012

"It Has To Be So Lonely, To Be The Only One Who's Holy" 'Playing God, Paramore (Part I)

 Once Upon A 2011...
(idk the exact conversation, but it goes something like this...)

   "Sa, Meja 17 tambah ape?"


   "Tambah nasi berape?"

ME:"Ntah... tkde sape bagitau pun."

  "Mai roo... Arai tee roo mung.... 
(taktau.... Ape yang ko tau?)..Makan je tau..."


It's my life. I decide if i want to be fat or skinny. Why does it concern you so much that you have to look down and criticize everything i do. You seriously don't have a life so GET OUTTA MINE! Unlike you, i don't have time to care about something that doesn't even have anything to do with me.

I don't get it with this kinda people. These kinda lowlifes who have nothing to do but to have a say in anybody's decision. In whichever ways' possible, there's no way you can't get out of them bitching about you no matter how you tried to befriend them. They're just no satisfying result to them. But only 'till recently have i learnt the reason why.
that's right. They cannot stand seeing anybody else having more than they do and what do they do to satisfy themselves? Looking down on you. 

There's this dude who works at my mum's restaurant and you won't believe how old he is once i get you started on my story. He has a say on everything i do. No matter what, he would always criticize me and look down on me. Whenever i made a mistake, he would mock me and say how i'm so smart of doing such a thing. Asshole -.-'. 
The weird thing is, even if i do good, he still would mock me.
If i didn't do much work he would say
"Sa ni malaslah, buatlah kerja skit. Ni sume aku kene buat"
But if i put a little too much effort, he'd say
"Anak tauke sapu sampah, patut tangkap gambar masuk Facebook"


I have always been 'the kid' among the employees whereby i used to be the youngest employee and i have a very immature and childish nature. And i'm very quick tempered even for such silly things since i was a kid. And up 'till now, people don't really take me seriously even if i'm 18 now, it's like the age range just keeps getting up whenever i get older. Like 10 years ago, it's 18 and above and now that i'm 18, it's suddenly 21 years and above. Don't go started changing to 30 and above when i turn 21.
Ah well, maybe because i'm still immature and childish. But heck, they pretty much seen me grew up since i was a kid, and i guess their mindset says that i'm still a kid, and i'm immature, therefore i am always wrong.
Now, i admit that there are a lot of incidents involving me not admitting i'm wrong and mostly i am. But just because i'm mostly wrong, it does not mean i am never right. And infact, i WAS right about him. It wasn't my quick-temper at all. It was just him. And how glad i was to feel right finally. I'll continue and tell the whole story on the next post, this one is already too long i'm afra.


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