Sunday 20 January 2013

"Premier Chapitre of 2013"

hey there.
sorry its been a while since i come here.
well, i dont think i should coz i dont think people actually read this except me, myself and i.
so i guess this is the first post of 2013:)
have a great year ahead!
go for it losers

i know this is so 1-month-and-24-days-ago-post but its my birthday and i thought since my birthday is early i might ad well post it on the day.
sigh, another new year resolution renewed and mine is still, yet again:
1.MIRACULOUSLY lose weight

idk bout u guys but i dont seem to believe all this new year resolution shit. probably because i'm so immune to procrastinating and purpose-short-term memory loss but also, i'd rather keep life a mystery. the idea of having a fixed future just seem so forced and i don't think i would enjoy my year if i've set on what i want to achieve for. instead of ticking my new year resolution im gonna list down what i've achieved for the year. so life,
surprise me c:
Sincerely Yours, ISSA